Thursday, October 20, 2005

What does Charity mean to you

The world has been divided into two hemispheres one are the have and the other being
have not .The Indian Crowd settled in america definitely falls under the "have"category. We are a set of people who have crossed oceans leaving the loved ones behind seeking green pastures.There are many problems that that we face when we immigrates to a a alien land.People arrive here with lot of dreams and go through lot of travails to achieve them .

But when each one of you get up in the morning , feed yourself to a bowl of Kellogg and start the ignition of you Toyota corolla parked in a nice appartment or a private home pause , stop and think for a minute .Forget about your problems in life like the Gas prices being high , ever rising real estate market,and your never ending Credit Card dues , you are definitely better than those people in India whose every day meal depend on their daily wage , young children who work in mechanic shops , grocery stores these children who haven't seen the Funskool toys that your kids play with , these children who have never stepped inside a school nor did they have new clothes for diwali when you happily bought clothes for your entire family on a Halloween Sale in Macy's.

Many of us including me have talked hours about the corruption in India and how Indian Society cannot improve unless we educate the masses did we do anything about it NO!!!.Gandhi rightly said"Be the Change you want the world to be".

This was a prelude to a question that I ask my friends What Does Charity mean in your Life ?I had asked this question to my close circle of friends here in Sacramento , we call ourselves ASJOBASH (AShok Bala Jom and SHiv ) . This is what we had decided. Every time one travels to India we would collect money from friends and family in US and give it to him .He rather than donating it an organization would identify a cause in his town or his native Village and would spend one week end of his vacation visiting a place and helping the Kids ,family, old people get what they need the most with the money he has assimilated before his journey .Lot of people living in US are short of time , trust me it is very difficult even to
think of issues like this with such a busy schedule .

Charity starts at home ,the house maid that works in your parents house could be your stepping stone to charity .You can graciously offer to take the expense of her kids education expenses until the time you can afford , you can visit a Local school where a small amount of slum dwellers manage to send their kids and agree to sponsor one kid from high school to obtain a College Degree .

India is a country with a lot of problems and these problems needs
modern solution .Educating poor Children is the definitely a noble deed .Every Child who is educated illuminates the lives of their family , inspires his friends to strive for success like him .A small deed of charity towards a poor child's education could change many lives.

Visit and see what is happening in your city in US and look into their current projects and see how you can make yourself useful to this world which has given you so much to be happy about, share your joy of learning with others and make a difference in lives of people back home in India .I am planning to Volunteer for the Sacramento Chapter of Vibha Are you going to?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bravo shiv!!!